教育要从小开始,Lil Unicorn全马唯一幼儿早教与企业家思维教育,让孩子成长快人一步!

随着全球经济的发展趋势,人们也愈发注重金融素养,对孩子来说,从小培养良好的企业家思维在这个时代显得尤为重要。Lil Unicorn打造全马唯一的幼儿早教与企业家思维教育,更有利于孩子从小学习课业以外的企业家能力,为孩子的生意头脑打下良好基础。 Continue reading

Hospital Pakar KPJ Johor: Memastikan keselamatan serta pengalaman terbaik untuk anda dan bayi

Sokongan emosi dan rawatan perubatan daripada Perunding Obsterik, bidan dan kakitangan perubatan sangat penting untuk penjagaan antenatal serta pengalaman bersalin yang positif. Berkaitan dengan kenyataan ini, Hospital Pakar KPJ Johor, baru-baru ini telah memenangi Anugerah Pilihan Pembaca BabyTalk 2021 untuk kategori Hospital Bersalin Terbaik (Johor). Continue reading

十个孕妇九个营养摄取不足!医生提醒这些营养素必不可少。Anmum™ MATERNA, 市面上唯一无添加糖**的孕妇奶粉,支持并满足100%孕期营养需求^

研究发现每10个孕妇9个摄取不足够的叶酸、钙与膳食纤维,妇产科医生也提醒孕期的叶酸、钙质等营养素必不可少,才能帮助降低孕妇的疾病风险。因此,Anmum MATERNA孕妇奶粉成为妈妈们的首选。 Continue reading


坐月子是女人一生当中最重要的事情,月子做得好不好,直接影响到女人接下来一辈子的健康问题,进而关系到宝宝的健康。准妈妈们可千万不能大意!坐月子方式千变万化,但是营养和进补是不会变的,大马生育专家为新妈妈们分享坐月子的进补调理坐月双宝,对产后恢复极有帮助! Continue reading

Haenim NexusFit™ 7X Breast Pump: The most compact and light hospital grade breast pump

As a mother, have you thought of using a breast pump to ease the task of breastfeeding your young one? Breast pumping might feel intimidating at first, whether you’re a breast-feeding mom returning to work or a stay-at-home mom planning a day away from the baby and leaving them with a sitter. It might be tough to imitate your baby’s suckling movement, which can be uncomfortable. However, once you get the hang of it, you’ll discover it’s not as difficult as you think. In this article, you will see how a good breast pump can end up being a useful tool for you! Continue reading

KPJ JOHOR SPECIALIST HOSPITAL: Ensuring the best experience and safety for you and your baby

KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital recently won the BabyTalk Readers’ Choice Awards 2021 for the Best Maternity Hospital (Johor) category.

There are many reasons for this. The woman’s individualized emotional support and medical care by the Obstetric Consultants, the midwives and para medical staff is vital for a positive pre pregnancy, antenatal and birth experience. Continue reading

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