Haenim NexusFit™ 7X Breast Pump: The most compact and light hospital grade breast pump

As a mother, have you thought of using a breast pump to ease the task of breastfeeding your young one? Breast pumping might feel intimidating at first, whether you’re a breast-feeding mom returning to work or a stay-at-home mom planning a day away from the baby and leaving them with a sitter. It might be tough to imitate your baby’s suckling movement, which can be uncomfortable. However, once you get the hang of it, you’ll discover it’s not as difficult as you think. In this article, you will see how a good breast pump can end up being a useful tool for you! Continue reading

KPJ JOHOR SPECIALIST HOSPITAL: Ensuring the best experience and safety for you and your baby

KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital recently won the BabyTalk Readers’ Choice Awards 2021 for the Best Maternity Hospital (Johor) category.

There are many reasons for this. The woman’s individualized emotional support and medical care by the Obstetric Consultants, the midwives and para medical staff is vital for a positive pre pregnancy, antenatal and birth experience. Continue reading

热烈祝贺!Mommy Mansion荣获雪兰莪巴生区“最佳月子中心”殊荣!完善产后护理之家,伴你好好坐月子!

十月怀胎,何其辛苦,产后妈妈都要好好坐月、调理身子,因此选择一间优质、合适的月子中心十分重要。此次推荐以高票夺下《2021年度BABYTALK & MAMAPAPA读者精选奖》最佳月子中心(雪兰莪巴生区)的Mommy Mansion,让你在坐月期间也能享有公主般的待遇。谁说妈妈坐月不能像个小公主?

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RUIJIA 蔓越莓益生菌喜获读者精选大奖!别害羞,快启动私密处全方位保养!

妇科病的危害你知道吗?女生全身上下需要特别呵护的除了脸部,还有常常被忽略的私密处!私密处潮湿的环境为细菌繁殖创造了条件,一旦滋生细菌就容易发炎和感染,别拖着拖着就严重了……想知道怎么照顾这最娇嫩的部位吗?从吃的到用的,一起启动全方位保养! Continue reading


谁说大肚婆生完孩子只能等着皮肤变差?女性不管是产前产后同样可以服用胶原蛋白粉,特别是产妇坐月子内外调理,脸色会变得很好,还可以避免妊娠纹,更可以防止胸部下垂,同时起到紧致肌肤的效果。再度蝉联第一拿下《BabyTalk & MamaPapa读者精选奖》的 Ruijia 露奇亚胶原蛋白粉就是大肚婆和妈咪们的首选。 Continue reading

Experience the Best Quality Taiwanese Postpartum Care

Postpartum care is a special time for new moms and their babies. This kind of care is important because it helps to protect both the mother and baby throughout the postpartum period. Medical professionals will be able to detect potential issues early on before they escalate and become life-threatening. New mothers are vulnerable to health problems, but postpartum care can help to protect everyone involved after giving birth. Continue reading

BabyMom – The Best Care for Mothers and Newborns

Confinement practices are traditional postnatal processes involving nutrition and daily routine that last 28-44 days after birth to assist mothers in regaining physical and mental health while adapting to parenting and caring for newborns. When in confinement, certain nutritional and hygiene restrictions may cause psychological anguish due to their low self-esteem, hormonal changes and limited freedom. Unsolicited counsel from well-intentioned family members and friends is commonplace for new mothers. It can be rather stressful, especially for first-time mothers. Continue reading

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